I am personally a HUGE fan of mushrooms and love them in any shape or form. I think it was when I worked for a good friend in helping him open his restaurant Treyvaud's in Killarney, Ireland. Hi Paul! His brother Mark was the chef and he made the most amazing mushroom soup. Since then I have been a huge fan of mushrooms and love to cook them anyway I can. These whole roasted mushrooms are quick, simple, tasty and can be made in advance too. Damn, they really do have everything!
Living in Australia and our families being in Ireland means lots of visitors and typically long visits. What tends to happen then is I have a TON of new recipes and exciting things for the blog as I try to cook them different meals every night. Plus I have people to experiment on too!
My parents have just left after a month long visit. It's been great having them here but tiring at the same time. I wanted to impress them in the kitchen and alongside looking after the toddler (although Mum was great at entertaining her) and trying to show them more than the 1000 playgrounds Brisbane has to offer it was a hectic time. Princess O will definitely miss "someone" aka my dad who she refused to call Grandad and my mum who was way better at playing certain games than me but we will be home to Ireland soon so we will all catch up then.
The best sheet pan you will purchase!!
Roasted Mushrooms
I have made this roasted mushrooms dish many times but always just for me and Mrs AnotherFoodBlogger so it was good to see of it was met with the same joy by others. Yep, you guessed it - it made the cut for the blog! The dish really is so simple. Clean your mushrooms, add some flavour boosters and roast them!
When I say clean your mushrooms it's best to avoid water where possible. I tend to peel or brush them. The reason for this is mushrooms retain lots of water so by adding more water means you will just end up with greyish limp mushrooms instead of well non greyish limp ones! High heat and the addition of classic mushroom flavours like garlic & thyme and well your house is smelling great and your food is tasting better!
Mushroom Benefits
Packed with nutritional value and low in calories - what a dream veg to eat.
- high in fiber
- good source of protein
- nutrients such as vitamin D and copper
- low in fat (which makes it ok to add butter!)
As I mention above I am a huge mushroom fan and so is my little girl. At one point all I could get her to eat for brekkie was mushrooms. I literally had shares in them - she would eat about 6 a day! Luckily for me (and her) her appetite has grown and she does eat other things too. Including this delicious Chicken & Mushroom Pie - perfect for toddlers and parents a like! If you like this recipe and are looking for other ways to incorporate mushrooms into your diet then I would thoroughly recommend checking out my Wild Mushroom Risotto recipe. Not that I am biased at all!
Happy Eating and Happy Cooking Friends!
- 12 large flat cap mushrooms
- 3 tbsp olive oil
- 2 cloves roasted garlic
- 4 sprigs thyme
- 100 g butter softened
- maldon salt
- Combine softened butter and garlic together - set aside
- Peel mushrooms to remove and dirty outer layers and place on a baking paper lined tray
- Using a pastry brush lightly brush mushrooms with olive oil & sprinkle thyme on top. Place a small amount of butter on top of mushroom
- Bake mushroom at 18-c for 15 - 20 minutes -size depending. Finish with a spinkle of maldon salt
Essential Tools
- chopping board
- baking tray
- greaseproof paper
- sharp knife
- pastry brush
- small mixing bowl
- mushrooms contain a large amount of water so it's typically best to season near the end of cooking or after. Otherwise the salt will extract the water and you will have soggy mushrooms. I like to finish mine with a little maldon salt
- Try use similar sized mushrooms for even cooking time
- Dried thyme or oregano will work as a herb substitute
Excellent recipe, juicy, tender & delicious! I followed the recipe & only adjusted for quantity.
Thanks Sarah - so glad you enjoyed it!
Isn’t it!
I'm using it as a bed for a grilled salmon with a spinach basil pesto rice...
ooohhh- sounds like fun, send some pics!!
Looks tasty but the main thing I need to know is not on the recipe.... What temp setting is the oven? Is it conduction or grill?
That would have been helpful alright!! It’s 180c - I’ll fix it now 😉
Great thanks... That was fortunate as I just made the dish without the indication (winging it!) and put it in the same oven as some potatoes gratin which were cooked at that temp... Came out great, great with a steak and salad!
Glad it worked out!!! Any pics?
Mushroom, garlic, thyme, butter,... what else do you need in life, right!? Yum!!
Just a steak ??
I haven't tried roasting mushrooms yet but this looks delicious.
This looks absolutely delicious and easy to cook !
You ain’t wrong - I’ve another recipe I’ll be posting soon using these so stay tuned
I like mushrooms so much, and this recipe is new for me i will differently try it as soon as possible, Thanks for sharing this new recipe i loved it.
Pleasure is all mine - I hope you get the chance to cook them. Would love to see them if you do!